COTT is a game for better collaboration. It helps players think and talk critically about a specific project that they are all working on as a group. It allows them to talk about doubts, fears and hopes in an open way.
For the game to work effectively there are only three rules:
be open, listen and adapt.
COTT is a game for artists, community collaborators, participants, activists, curators, producers, project managers, commissioners and others who are connected by a specific project.
First things first, a deck of cards.
You can borrow a pack from your local pack holder (see map for pack holders). Or, contact us and we can discuss optionsfor getting your own pack.
The only other thing you'll need is a timer with sound (you can use
your phone).
Players +
Between 3-8 players recommended.
Multiply the number of players by five and add 10 minutes for dealing cards and concluding.
E.g. If you have four players, it will take 30 minutes.

Red Theme cards: Broad themes that might affect your project.
Orange Keyword cards: prompts to talk about those conditions.
Blue Quote cards: statements you might agree or disagree with
Blue cards also include:
five blank cards for players to write their own statement
Go On! card: can be played by any player who holds the card if they would like to hear the main player speak for an extra minute
I don't know! card: can be used by any player who holds the card to skip their turn
Yellow Conclusion cards: for players to reflect on issues and questions that need further discussion.

Choose a dealer from the group - their role will be to facilitate the game and keep time (two minutes per player in each round).
The dealer sorts the deck into four piles - Red, Blue, Yellow and Orange.
The dealer shuffles each pile and places them face down on the table.
They then deal each player five blue cards, dealing clockwise, keeping the cards face down.

1. The player to the right of the dealer starts by choosing a blue card from their hand, placing it face up on the table.
2. If none of the cards relate to what the player wants to talk about they can swap a card from the blue pack (one swap per person is allowed per round). They can also play an I Don't Know! card (if they have it), skipping to the person to their right.
3. Once the player has revealed their chosen blue card, they should turn over both a red and an orange card from their respective piles and position them next to the blue card.
4. The player has two minutes to talk about their experience of the project in relation to the cards on the table. NOTE: try to talk honestly and use at least one of the words on the red and orange cards as prompts.
5. If someone holds a Go On! card, they can play this to give the player an extra minute to talk.
6. After the player's time is up, the dealer re-sets the timer to three minutes, the time for the group to ask questions, agree, disagree or agree to disagree. Players can play any relevant quote card during this time to further enrich the conversation.
7. Once a blue card is played, it should be replaced immediately from the blue pile so that each player has five in their hand at all times.
8. All cards played in any given round should be discarded by putting them to one side.
9. Play then continues to the right until everyone has had their turn. More rounds can be played if time allows.
10. At the end of the game, the dealer selects one of the yellow conclusion cards and places it face up on the table. A shared conversation should then be held between all players, with each player answering at least one question on the card.